My Work
I have worked on multiple projects that required me to solve problems and design creative solutions, from collaborating on a non-profit aiming to establish an outdoor gear library to developing an interactive cleaning cost calculator. This section outlines the clients I have worked with and the projects I have undertaken.
Who I Am
My inspiration for design and development in all aspects of my academic life, particularly in computing, stems from my cumulative experiences. These range from foundational moments, like learning about the vast scope of the universe at age 14 in my science class, to the imposing sloping hills of the Peak District where I live. This section details the elements that both inspire and challenge me.
How I Make Sites
I have honed my website development skills over the past two years, starting with my first certification in Responsive Web Design. Designing, communicating efficiently between parties, and reporting cannot be learned quickly; they are iterative processes that build on each other. I will take you through my whole process, including all the resources I use.
Colour Schemes
Colour theory, extensively researched and studied, plays a significant role because of the emotions it evokes. Consequently, I select colours that resonate with the desired emotions of the business or brand I'm working on. For instance, I opted for green as the primary accent for this website because of its calming effect and association with nature and health—traits I aim to embody in my brand.
Typography can evoke a connection between the reader and the source material; trust, professionalism, and authority are all sentiments that can be felt. For instance, I utilised two sans-serif fonts as my primary typography. Jost is used for all headings, while Helvetica Neue is chosen for the text body. These two fonts complement each other well and convey a sense of modernity, professionalism, and approachability.
The layout is crucial to how a user interacts with the website. Visual hierarchy, contrast, white space, and simplicity are among the most essential aspects. For example, the title of this section, subheadings for these cards, the green button, and the description text were most likely the order in which your eye viewed this section if viewed on a laptop/desktop. This is due to the visual hierarchy.
What I Offer
Whether you need assistance creating a booking system that is just a few clicks away for your customers, creating SEO-optimised and accessible websites or designing business cards, I offer a range of services to help you achieve your desires. The following are some of the services I offer.